The Human Resources department (HR) is a key piece in the competitive development of any entity. This is due to the fact that it contributes to the achievement of the established objectives through the organization, coordination, motivation and alignment of all its members towards the proposed results.
Currently, the HR manager needs to develop his position with excellence in addition to knowledge, a series of competencies that bring together capacities, attitudes, skills and values.
The completion of the
Certification of Human Resources Management allows us to specialize in these competencies taking into account an environment subject to social, legal, and economic changes.
Human resources manager skills and competencies
Among the competencies to highlight for the position of Human Resources manager are:
Communication SkillAdequate communication is fundamental in the internal relations of the organization: it encourages the exchange of information, mutual knowledge, generates a feeling of well-being, and mobilizes work towards the same goal.
For this, the HR Manager must express himself clearly and precisely: enhancing the interrelation, showing coherence between verbal and non-verbal information, developing in himself the ability to listen, to place himself in the place of the other, but above all he must give a voice to the members of the organization and involve them.
Conflict resolution
The social and economic environment characterized by globalization, competitiveness and technological changes typical of the 21st century encourages organizations and their members to be prepared to successfully adapt to changes by managing conflicts that arise. Thus, the ability to foresee change, conflict and possess the tools for the most satisfactory resolution of them, is a competence that can lead to individual and/or business improvements.
Talent management
Identifying, recognizing, empowering, managing and developing talent benefits the entire group of the company. For this, the HR Manager must offer feedback to the entire team to make known what is expected of them and what they expect from the organization.
One of the tasks carried out by HR management is to promote a favorable environment to generate teamwork since on the one hand, it creates an atmosphere of cooperation between the members of the organization and on the other, it generates greater personal involvement in the vision of the objectives of the company, which becomes an improvement in the work environment and productivity.
LeadershipThe HR manager must be a role model, integrity in his actions, generator of credibility and trust, both in his management and with the objectives established by the organization. With this, each and every one of the members of the organization is involved, enhancing the best of each individual.
Through the
Certification of Human Resources Management, competences and skills are acquired for the management of people in organizations, which covers both the recruitment, selection, training, remuneration plan and ultimately the promotion and retention of the team of employees. an organization, such as legal-labor aspects.